
Our Impact (Till Date)

Eye Research Centre, to date, has revolutionized vision care globally with cutting-edge solutions, impactful global initiatives, groundbreaking research, and dedicated sight restoration campaigns. Our holistic approach ensures transformative care and connectivity through a global visionary network. Restoring sight to thousands, our achievements mark milestones in compassionate care, research excellence, and global collaboration. Every statistic reflects our commitment to shaping a brighter future, illuminating lives with innovative vision care and community-focused campaigns. Our impact resonates in testimonials, awards, and publications, solidifying our role as a beacon of change in the field of ocular science.

Why Donate?

Donate to the Eye Research Center and be a catalyst for global change. Your contribution fuels innovative vision care, groundbreaking research, and transformative sight restoration campaigns. Join us in shaping a brighter future, fostering global connections, and empowering communities. With your support, we pioneer advancements in ocular science, connect visionaries worldwide, and impact lives profoundly. Your donation goes beyond restoring sight; it transforms lives, as reflected in our testimonials, awards, and publications. Be part of our mission, contributing to a world where clear vision is a universal right.

Donation Impact (Next 10 Years)

Your donations fuel transformative vision care, global impact initiatives, pioneering research, and dedicated sight restoration campaigns—shaping a brighter future for countless lives over the next decade.

Sponsor Infrastructure

Sponsor the Eye Research Center’s infrastructure, enabling innovative vision care, global impact initiatives, pioneering research, and holistic care efforts for lasting impact.

Sponsor Surgeries

Sponsor life-changing surgeries at Eye Research Centre, providing innovative vision care, global impact initiatives, and transformative sight restoration campaigns—bringing clarity and hope to countless lives.

Join hands with Eye Research Centre to eliminate Preventive Blindness

46 years after its inception, the Eye Research Centre (ERC) continues to touch the lives of people living without access to eye care. Even before the introduction of CSR, the visionary founders decided to give back to society and foresaw the need for corporations and private organizations to serve people in a deeper way. The legacy is being carried forward through family funding and some individual contributions. Most of our services are provided either free or at a steeply subsidized rate. Yet, the organization remains financially self-sustainable. While ERC’s core services are financed internally, community support on various levels will take it a step closer to achieving .

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Sponsor Special Events

Sponsor special events at Eye Research Centre, supporting innovative vision care, global impact initiatives, pioneering research, and transformative sight restoration campaigns—creating lasting memories and impactful change.

Invest in Vision

Transform lives with your impactful donation—fueling innovation and global change.